We, The Riders


It seems the major players in motorcycling are joining the “We, The Riders” campaign – call to action.

From the International Motorcycling Federation website


We, The Riders. We are a movement of motorcyclists from around the world. We share the joy of riding – and the fight against invisibility.

In 2018, it is still far more dangerous than it should be to ride on our roads. That needs to change – and it will only change if all motorcyclists come together as never before to demand it.

Dorna, FIM, ACEM, Red Bull and MotoGP Ambassadors Andrea Iannone (ITA), Marc Márquez (ESP), Jack Miller (AUS), Jorge Lorenzo (ESP), Johann Zarco (FRA) and many, many others are all onboard.

Who knows, maybe TVR will join the ranks ?

Read the full article from FIM here

Take a minute to check out the website, watch the video and take the 2 minute survey. It had some interesting questions.


We will try and follow this and keep you updated!