Ride 2 Save Lives

The free courses will be held starting May 20 at 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. 447 Dalewood Ave, Salem.

Contact the Virginia State Police at 540-375-9500 to make your reservation today.

Come ride with us!  May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 12, Sept 16, Oct 14.

                      The Virginia State Police would like to invite you to participate in a free motorcycle self assessment course. Ride your motorcycle as you learn and practice rider safety through the use of S.I.P.D.E.  Learn how to handle Hazards, Special Situations, Interstate Highways, Curve Negotiation and much more.  All of this in a safe environment with the assistance of the Virginia State Police motor troopers.

             You must be 18 years of age or older with a Class “M” (motorcycle) endorsement to participate. Motorcycles must be street legal and helmets must be DOT approved to participate in this program.

Hearing Protection

“No doubt you have a closet full of riding gear. You’ve probably got jackets, pants and gloves for every riding scenario, to say nothing of all those helmets. You might think that you’re completely protected from harm, but if you’re like many motorcyclists, you’re probably overlooking one key risk. This potential injury can occur on every ride, no matter how long or how short, and it doesn’t even require an accident to cause damage.”

 Read the full article on MotorCyclistOnline.com

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Also check out the

Membership Renewal Time 2017

Hi Members,

It is time to renew you membership for 2017-2018 year! Fees are still @ $15.00 per year. Upon renewal, your membership will be good until July 30, 2018

Renewals are now open!!!

I know some are a little reluctant to pay the dues, but we do have some expenses. Forum software, Web Page Hosting and Spring Dinner to name a few. Paid membership also gives you access to post in our Forum and view the member only sections.

If you meet for our breakfast rides and go on our camping trips with us, please consider shucking out a few bucks and help in supporting our club! If you are not comfortable paying online catch us at a breakfast meeting and pay with check or cash.

Visit the Links Tab on our website and choose “Pay Your Dues



The NO Zone

I am sure all of us are aware of this (we should), but a good graphic and reminder to us all!

Copied from Drive-Safely.Net  Check it out

Blind spots are everywhere!

Even your car has blind spots. The number of blind spots in a big rig is insane. The passenger side of a semi has far more blind spots than the drivers side, so use proper truck safety techniques and try to always pass an 18 wheeler on the left. Hurry up and get ahead of the truck…don’t dilly dally around. The trucker may not know you’re even there, and God forbid the driver makes a quick lane change or swerves to avoid road debris, etc. Here is a diagram showing the most dangerous areas to be. Stay out of the no zone!