Membership Renewals

It is that time of year. Our $15 annual membership fee is currently due. Typically due on July 1st, we were just late on the reminders this year.

To renew your membership (or join) click on the “Links” tab in the menu bar then choose “Pay your Dues”. This will take you to our SquareUp site where you can process your payment.

Indian Motorcycles

Production ceased in 1953, bankrupt again in 2003.


Acquired by Polaris in 2011, Indian Motorcycles seem to be making a comeback. With big money and engineering behind it, hopefully this American name will stick around for a while! If you are into Big Bikes, here is some reading that might interest you.


Forum Changes

Members and Guests.

Until recently, our entire forum was available for public view. Only logged in members had the ability to create / reply to any postings.

At our 2016.3 business meeting, it was decided several areas of our forum were to be closed and only available to dues paying members. However, several areas are still open to the public to view. (See the list below)

Members, also make sure you stay logged in. If not, you may not notice ALL activity in the forum displayed on our Home Page.


